FEB 2022 – AUG 2023


Platform & development toolkit for building web3 apps. As the first design hire at this startup, I established the brand identity and design systems from inception.

thirdweb’s Series A announcement | Creative Lead: Cathal Berragan, Art Direction: Anshu Tukol, Video & Animation: Sian Morton, Andrew Begafria

The Solution

I built on the existing logo to develop an identity and set up design conventions that were adopted across teams, including easy-to-use templates. As a part of the growth team, I applied our brand across various marketing campaigns, launches, and social media efforts.

The Opportunity

As an early-stage tech startup in web3, thirdweb not only required a cohesive brand identity that could scale and iterate as quickly as it grew, but also faced the challenge of looking and feeling accessible to audiences that were not so familiar with web3.


Brand Book

Hackathon: Solanathon

thirdweb received several requests to make its tools compatible with the blockchain Solana.

To commemorate this integration and encourage developers to build on Solana using thirdweb, ‘Solanathon’ was launched.

I took a whimsical approach while branding this hackathon, inspired by Solana’s asset library.

Selected marketing assets


Selected marketing assets |

